Ras El

Ras El

We are a collective of humble farmers and seed enthusiasts. Lovers of Landrace and Heirloom Varietals. Collaborating with an elder breeder who is known as Grasshopper, together we have over 40 years experience selecting and cultivating our beloved herb. Working with landrace and many old and new school varietals. Preservation is our mission. Collaborating with a local and global collective sharing a passion for the herb.

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9 personnes suivies

14 avis reçus (100% positif, 14/14)

Excellent seller. Look forward to picking up more of these cool genetics!

Colin à propos de l'annonce Durban Ghana Haze il y a 3 ans.

Excellent seller! Gave so many freebies!

Olive Branch Collective à propos de l'annonce African Hazelato il y a 3 ans.

Ras El hooked it up, really appreciate it! Freebies and extras, so big shoutout for sure!

ThatLandraceGuy à propos de l'annonce Azania RBG il y a 3 ans.
Ras El