

Breeding in California since 1996.
OverGrow member since 2001.
ICMag member since 2004.

All strains we use in our genetics are from authentic seed sources or verified clone sources.
We will not breed with anything that cannot be verified.
We will always give credit to the original breeders and will not use any genetics that have been plagiarized or stolen.

IG: BlackMarketSeedCo

7 Anuncios abiertos

Siguen a 24 personas

17 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 17/17)

Fast shipping, great communication, and seeds exactly as described. Awesome bonuses too. Thank you A+++++++

Jason sobre el anuncio Chocolate Dragon hace 7 meses.

Fast shipping, great communication, and seeds exactly as described. Awesome bonuses too. Thank you A+++++++

Jason sobre el anuncio Infinite Temple hace 7 meses.

Fast shipping, great communication, and seeds exactly as described. Awesome bonuses too. Thank you A+++++++

Jason sobre el anuncio Golden State of Mind hace 7 meses.