

Almost 10 years in the industry i have meet and connected with many growers, breeders and enthusiasts. Throughout that time i have collected, gained, purchased and created so many different varieties of strains! And now i have an over flow of genetics i might never get to pop and rather than have them sitting and waiting i thought id share them with our beautiful community!

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12 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 12/12)

Great buyer

Force of Nature sobre el anuncio Wilson! Zero F2 - 20 Photo Regs 1 año atrás.

Great transaction A++

Force of Nature sobre el anuncio White Truffle x PBB - 20 Regs 1 año atrás.

Smooth transaction A+++

Force of Nature sobre el anuncio White Truffle x PBB - 20 Regs 1 año atrás.