Mida$ AkA the HaNgMaN

Mida$ AkA the HaNgMaN

I am a 2nd generation grower! $8 shipping and United States only. Tester for Beleaf , Jinxproof, 517 Legend and more. I know my worth in this game so don't low ball me. I don't do business with greedy Shylocks. I have at least 1000 strains in my vault. My Instagram is where the magic happens.

2 Anuncios abiertos

Siguen a 7 personas

4 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 4/4)

Quickly has become one of my favorite people to work with...respectful and respectable, you really can't ask for a more solid individual!

I tend to live by the rule of 3 and after our 3rd transaction I am 100% confident in Mida$...Hangman is as solid as they come!

Solid exchange with a solid dude!

Keeper Of The Flames sobre el anuncio The Drip V2 by EnvyGenetics hace 3 años.
Mida$ AkA the HaNgMaN