Seed Collector of 20 years!!
Many extinct strains to be listed in the near future!
My collection has been stored in a refrigerator at optimum temp & humidity.
My hope is see these forgotten strains of yesterday reincorporated in the gene pool of today.
No funny business just being honest.
I hope you see something you like & feel free to message me requests as I have over 100+ different strains.
For sale as collectibles to be used in conjunction with local laws.
Jambo_5150 (VMo) or $Jambo247 ()

4 Anuncios abiertos

Siguen a 93 personas

19 reseñas recibidas (95% positiva, 18/19)

Great strainly member.

Great buyer. A pleasure to do business with.

You can’t get more chill than TGN. Very seldom do you come across people that you’d legitimately chill with in person. Much love and respect my friend!