

I'm just a student of this plant. For ten yrs I've enjoyed this community, and from time have breeders pks, and breedings of my creations, and others.

5 Anuncios abiertos

Siguen a 29 personas

10 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 10/10)

Thanks much! Fast shipping! Beans look great!

Timbos Bombeanies sobre el anuncio C99 f4 (50pk) hace 6 meses.

Larry is a great seed seller! Very communicative and cool guy all around! The seeds came in less than three days and are great! Everything there. Great medicine that I look forward to working with! Recommendation A++++++

Dustin sobre el anuncio Ass/afkansastan/ x18 (f2s, and crosses ) hace 3 años.

Arrived quickly with no issues, great communication with excellent customer service!

PinoyApoy420 | Pandora's Grove sobre el anuncio Oni seeds headstand hace 3 años.