Higher Love

Higher Love

Founded in SoCal in 2010, these fanatics of the finest funk, connoisseurs of the most honest chronest of chrons, savants of sensi, doctors of dank, and purveyors of the ruh-roh pakololo are proud to bring you some LEGENDARY LOVE fit for the lungs of GODS! Mortals, be warned, blaze at your own risk.

Check out our page on seedfinder for more information regarding our strains. Our genetics are generations deep and kept private for the last 12 years. They are tested, proven and worthy of the wait. Light years beyond the everyday exotics... welcome to the world of EROTICS.

We accept Cashapp and venmo.

3 Anuncios abiertos

Siguen a 2 personas

3 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 3/3)

Smooth like butter. Happy growing. :-)

MeowsTrapSeeds sobre el anuncio Amish Warrior Seeds - Willie Dynamite 1 año atrás.

Super easy to deal with .....thanks higher love . Come back anytime

M48 sobre el anuncio BURGERS AND BEER 2 for 1 MIX AND MATCH 1 año atrás.

Thank you for your order. Enjoy

HOD Spore Farm sobre el anuncio Golden Teacher 1 año atrás.
Higher Love