Purple Ghost Piss - 6 Fems

Purple Ghost Piss: Lovingly cultivated from a distinguished lineage that includes precursors like Ghost OG and Cat Piss, our meticulously harvested Purple Ghost Piss is a premium choice and exemplar of top-tier craftsmanship. This hybrid strain is noted for its inviting aroma and smooth finish that coaxes out the unique flavors. It also tips its hat to the revered Blue Dream, adding a dreamy translucence to its effect profile. Finally, last but not least, it's been cross-bred with the G13 Labs Purple Haze to introduce a plum undertone to its chromatic ensemble. Experience a fruitage of fascination with every puff of Purple Ghost Piss

Tipo de variedad: Híbrida
Sexo: Feminizada / Hembra
Floración: 70 - 80 días
Rendimiento: Alto
Talla: Media
Interior / Exterior:
Cantidad disponible: 1
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