A Special Selection – NL#5

Breeder Alert! Northern Lights #5 preservation project - in regular seed!

(Norther Lights #5 F3 x Northern Lights #5 F3)

This ‘89 NL 5 selection was originally made in 1989, but it was never released until recently. They were confirmed to have come from Nevil originally. This line was a "sister" line to the NL lines he released back in the 80's, reproduced in open pollination from the F3 generation. A rare bird!

A heavy hitter with terps ranging from sweet candy to Burnt rubber. Loaded with flavor!

OOS everywhere!

6 Regular Seeds in the original Breeder pack.

$100. plus $10 shipping

Payment by CashApp or Venmo only

No offers for trades, please

[Please me first if you do not have a purchase history on Strainly]

Tipo de variedad: Variedad reliquia
Sexo: Regular
Floración: 60 - 70 días
Rendimiento: Alto
Talla: Media
Interior / Exterior:
Cantidad disponible: 1