

Long time growers turned Pollen Chuckers in the pursuit of breeding the Midwest’s Best Craft Cannabis Seeds

Focused mainly on new Seed creations but you may see sum pollen & clones offered every blue moon

Wanna Chuck with ChuckP. You have an awesome Stud or sum pollen, maybe sum beautiful mothers and wanna collaborate DM.

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8 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 8/8)

Excellent Service! Responds in a timely manner with clear and succinct communication. I will gladly do business again!

Leigh sobre el anuncio Hubbabubbasmelloscope Auto 6pack hace 4 años.

AMAZING! 11/10. Seller was timely, responsive, and put in a ton of goodies. Would definitely buy from again.

Josh sobre el anuncio Hubbabubbasmelloscope Auto 6pack hace 4 años.

Thank you for all the freebees great to work with

Shindig Seed Co. sobre el anuncio Agent Orange hace 4 años.