

During much of my life, I've lived in rural or very rural areas, even for a time in remote Eastern NC, where we had to farm in order to have fresh and preserved food. So, sustainable planting and growing has been a part of life.
Until recently, growing cannabis has been risky but have had a few successful small grows outdoors! Almost one entire harvest was shared with a dear friend who has Crohn's and rheumatoid conditions, and it felt great.

I hope to eventually be able to share genetics but will certainly share feedback from the outcome of any "testers" too.

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Siguen a 18 personas

6 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 6/6)

Glad everything went smoothly. Anything else, let me know. All best, Angus

Easy to talk with and everything went smooth!!! A++

Wood Booger sobre el anuncio Afghan - Spliff Seeds hace 5 años.