

Please follow ALL local laws and regulations

Long time collector, all freebies come from breeder packs in the vault

Looking to trade for Wyeast Farms, Swamp Boys, KOS, Strayfox, Top Dawg, Archive, In-house, BCS

Freebies of choice with every pack

Pa yment options: Cashapp, apple pay, g pay, Bitcoin, zelle, strike
Priority tracked shipping $10

No hay anuncios abiertos

Siguen a 25 personas

18 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 18/18)

Everything as smooth as possible, thanks again!

SWGENETX sobre el anuncio Auction - Malawi WildFire hace 1 mes.

Pleasure to work with!

Croatoan Seeds sobre el anuncio Kropduster - Peanut Butter Breath F2 hace 2 meses.

Great Strainly Member!
