XI,An Canada

XI,An Canada

Long time quiet grower and collector, I breed plants in some of the harshest climates available in the far north. Right now I don't have a whole lot available but will very soon be adding many more strains for you to enjoy.
If you have any questions at all feel free to message me at any time and I will get back to you in as timely a manner as possible.

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Siguen a 14 personas

5 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 5/5)

Everything went quick and he was polite, friendly and able to answer all my questions, a reliable source of genetics and information.

Tyler sobre el anuncio MontClair kush hace 2 años.

Literally, one of the fastest deals I've ever done. Seller was attentive, answered all of my questions thoroughly, overall very positive experience. Not to mention, the beans look really nice. I can't wait to grow these out. Thanks!

Bush Doctor sobre el anuncio MontClair kush hace 2 años.

Thanks again! Happy growing!

New420Guy Seeds - ACCOUNT DISABLED sobre el anuncio Trainwreck hace 2 años.
XI,An Canada