Clone Auction - Yeti OG x Romulan Heriwana

Le gagnant de l’enchère s’engage à compléter la transaction dans les 72 heures. Ne pas payer pour une enchère gagnée entraîne une évaluation négative et une suspension potentielle!

From Overgrow
"This was pollinated from an Og cut of Yeti OG known as headband, was a 13 foot giant with mad resin production (Male). This was used with a short fat romulan x herijuana (Female). This created a nice dominant hybrid with fat leafs but with a lengthy vertical growth. is marked as lower because I’ve never had it tested. This strain has been grown in very high altitudes and has an extremely pleasant combination of terps. This strain grows well in all climates, hot= taller lighter color of green. Temperate- dark green with shorter inner node spacing. Cold- the purples start to show from light pink’s to dark reds. These plants can be abused using lst and super cropping and can take a lot of nutrients"

Date d'expiration de l'enchère: 11 juin 2024
Type de variété: Hybride
Sexe: Regulière
Floraison: 70 - 80 jours
Rendement: Moyen
Taille: Grande
Intérieur / Extérieur:
Quantité disponible: 1