Grower for over 2 decade , breader for 10 years, pheno hunting for 15 years

Numéro de license: #

1 annonce en ligne

82 personnes suivies

8 avis reçus (88% positif, 7/8)

After two weeks and numerous attempts to request payment, no payment received. He wanted to pay with BTC, but couldn't figure it out, then didn't send payment via mail that he said he would

T-eye-T Genes à propos de l'annonce Lit Farms Sour Cheesecake il y a 6 mois.

Thank you for the purchase and support. It's people like you who make this community great. Come back anytime!

Adam is awesome, great communication, fast payer, and knows exactly what he wants. Adam is an asset to the Cannabis community and comes highly recommended. Looking forward to the next time we do business. Thanks Adam

ACES-UP GENETICS à propos de l'annonce KARMA'S ACID DAWG (NEW NEW) il y a 2 ans.