

Clone collection available...

Will be on preorder for now. So let me know which ones you would like and I will get it started for you.

Duct Tape - Archive cut: $75
Apple Fritter - Lumpy's cut: $150
London Pound Mints AKA Pancakes - Tiki Cut: $150
Tiki Rain - Tiki Cut: $100
Cherry Dosidos - Sourced from CLTVD: $150
Hippie Crasher - Green Dragon cut : $150
Pink Runtz: $250
Sunset Sherbert - NorCal Cut: $250
Jokerz - firstclass: $250

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Siguen a 7 personas

3 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 3/3)

Great Transaction! Very quick! Seamless!!

Miorganic_Nursery sobre el anuncio BANANA MACCAROONS hace 3 años.

Awesome trade, hope to continue trading. Thanks again!

PNWStrainHunter sobre el anuncio London Pound Cake #75 hace 4 años.

Easy to work with and prompt. Thank you

Prolific- Canna Creations sobre el anuncio Ice Cream Cake (seedjunky) hace 4 años.