AnT1d0t3 Man

AnT1d0t3 Man

I'm always looking for new ways of saying things that have never been said while never saying things that have been said before.

I'd also like to point out how strange it is that human beings have made a tool for absolutely everything out there except one that can fix a broken heart. I am also a firm believer that everything can be made better, which, technically, means everything has something wrong with it.

Numero de licencia: 1-1339924981

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Siguen a 23 personas

7 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 7/7)

Great part of The Strainly Community

Thanks Again Sir


AnT1d0t3 Man is an asset to our Strainly Community. He's a super nice person! Highly Recommended. Thanks again and again ~ SSV Crew

100 % POSITIVE ! Very Cool Cat! thanks again Brother.

ReBoMaN®seeds sobre el anuncio S.A.G.E. Afghan Pheno {13+reg} f-4 hace 2 años.
AnT1d0t3 Man