

Old fashioned lover
Trying to fall in love with the new

I grow my medicine

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Siguen a 40 personas

6 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 6/6)

great strainly member, constant communication, smooth transaction

Blizzard's Beans sobre el anuncio Buddhas hand Bodhi seeds hace 2 meses.

Easy peasy. Knew what he wanted and quick transaction.

Magnolia Rooted sobre el anuncio Balefire by Katsu 1 año atrás.

Everything was perfectly executed on His end, he paid immediately and He Even Bought extra seeds ! An awesome customer and I am lucky to be able to help out people like this!!! Most appreciative of your trust in me to get it to you In another country and I Am happy you’re Stoked on the Goodies you received ! Was great “meeting” you brother!!
