

Just another genetic enthusiast, creator, and collector. If you're trying to find something you dont see listed shoot me a msg, I might have what you're looking for.

tested creations and projects coming soon using all in house and private selections, not the same old same old hype cuts everyones using to make seeds.
Cherry Pie Kush Bx4 Line Coming soon
Strawberries & Cream F2 Line coming soon.

Numero de licencia: 1337420710

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Siguen a 14 personas

25 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 25/25)

Great buyer and member!

DaddyNuggz sobre el anuncio GGG-Breath hace 11 meses.

Great transaction, friendly & quick to pay. Thank you!!

Keeko's Garden sobre el anuncio Freeborn Selections - Rootbeer Freeze hace 12 meses.

Quick sell hood people

The firehouse seedbank sobre el anuncio Cookies and cream f3 hace 12 meses.