The Horticulture Company

The Horticulture Company

For over a decade our principal horticulturist John Preher has been developing and refining unique and innovative cannabis cultivation and propagation techniques which have been used to help numerous cultivation facilities of various sizes successfully reach their cultivation goals, drastically improve the quality of their product and maintain consistency while increasing production. John has developed numerous cultivars/strains which are popular among consumers in the WA state recreational cannabis market and also around the world. At The Horticulture Company great pride is taken in helping cannabis producers cultivate and process only the highest quality cannabis flowers.

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2 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 2/2)

Excellent customer service

Olivia Martinez - ACCOUNT DISABLED sobre el anuncio Full Brekkie hace 5 años.

Responded quickly to my inquiry, very professional as well.

Edge of America Genetics sobre el anuncio Lap Cheong hace 6 años.
The Horticulture Company