

I'm a connoisseur and genetics collector

License #: m

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20 followed people

14 received reviews (100% positive, 14/14)

Streetcuts remains a top tier patron to do business with, they are very patient and understanding, and trusted us enough to pre-order a cut which we rooted out speciically for them and sent out ~14 or so days after receving payment. We were in contact the whole time and Streetcuts was entirely cordial and awesome in all interactions, very pleasant to work with and very happy to receive their clone!

We hope they'll continue to come to us for our service and you'd be lucky if they come t oyou for yours!

Excellent transaction! Valuable Strainly member

Easy to deal with!

KAANJI Nursery about listing Saturn OG - 2 for 1 HPLV Tested 2 years ago.